
Neal Katyal: The Idea that Trump Isn’t Subject to 14th Amendment Disqualification Is ‘Poppycock’

‘The last thing they wanted an insurrectionist’
By Grabien Staff


KATYAL: “Trump’s arguments are really in his brief all addressed to liberal methodology. They’re not based on the text and strict construction of the Founders’ intent. They’re policy arguments like, oh, it would be terrible for the court and the nation to have someone removed from the ballot and things like that. So, I really do see, Alicia, this very powerful path, and it’s laid out by these two conservative scholars, William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, that basically says, look, this is what the framers of the 14th Amendment wanted in the 1860s. The last thing they wanted was an insurrectionist. And the idea that, as Trump is saying the president is somehow exempt from the 14th Amendment, the technical legal term for that argument is poppycock. I mean, that is just wrong every day of the week from what the framers understood at the time of the 14th Amendment.”

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