
Ned Ryun: Hillary Clinton Played Games with Our National Security for Personal Gain

‘We do need to make sure we have objective checks and balances’
By Grabien Staff


RYUN: "People say, 'Well, if we investigate Hillary Clinton, the former presidential candidate, we're a banana republic.' I would argue it’s banana republic if we don’t. One of the things that I think is a real issue in America today is that people are losing their trust and faith in their institutions and leaders. So when you look at this whole situation with Hillary Clinton, I think that she thinks she is above the law. When General McCullough said, of the 22 emails that he looked at, some that were above top secret would be harmful to national security and James Clapper said that her behavior was extremely reckless, I think Hillary Clinton played games with our national security for personal reasons and quite frankly, I think for personal gain. So I think the only way that we restore trust in this, Bill, is that we fully investigate Hillary and her team in regards to the e-mail server, the Clinton Foundation, pay for play in regards to Uranium One and their role in the Fusion GPS fake dossier."

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