
Newt: Dems’ Anti-Trump Battle Cry Is the Road to Being a Minority for a Long Time

‘It is very clear the Democrats learned nothing from the election’
By Grabien Staff

GINGRICH: "And he is setting up a whole series of fights where the Republicans repeal these things and that gives them a whole new argument politically with their left. It is very clear the Democrats learned nothing from the election. And not just the defeat of Clinton but the fact that there are now more Republican state legislators than any time in the history of the Republican Party since 1854. The fact that there are 35 Republican governors, that there are 25 states in which the legislature and governor are Republican. The fact that we've kept the Senate, we've kept the House, none of that seems to be sinking in. Now what you’re getting is an increasingly strident left wing party whose primary battle cry is anti-Trump. That’s the road to being a minority for a long time.”

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