
Newt Gingrich Reacts to Newly Released FBI’s 1023 Doc: ‘We May Have a Criminal Family Sitting in the White House’

‘Every week the information corroborates what we have already suspected’
By Grabien Staff


GINGRICH: "Look, every week we get more information. Every week the information corroborates what we have already suspected. What this says to me is that it is very possible that there was a direct payment to the then-vice president of the United States. It is certainly even more likely that they were payments that were funneled through Hunter to Joe Biden. And the evidence just keeps mounting up every single week. At some point, the dam is going to break and even the “New York Times” and the “Washington Post” are going to recognize that we have a huge problem on our hands. We may have a criminal family sitting in the White House that took money from foreigners in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, and China."

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