
Nicolle Wallace on Garland Hearing: ‘Republicans Made It Clear ... That They Would Peddle All Sorts of Conspiracy Theories’

‘Republicans accusing the Justice Department of going easy on President Joe Biden’s son Hunter’
By Grabien Staff


WALLACE: “Now over to the news on Earth 2. Republicans made it clear, even before the hearing started, with members telling reporters that nothing, nothing Merrick Garland could or would say today was going to satisfy them, that they would peddle all sorts of conspiracy theories. Republicans accusing the Justice Department of going easy on President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who currently faces a rarely used and constitutionally questionable gun charge. It was brought by Trump-appointed prosecutor who was given special counsel status by — wait for it — Merrick Garland! But the fix is in. This is what Jim Jordan had to say, even as Garland said over and over and over again that there was no interference in the Hunter Biden case.”

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