
Nicolle Wallace: We Have Now Let Down the Parkland Students by Letting Texas Happen

‘I thought of the Parkland kids first’
By Grabien Staff


WALLACE: “I thought of the Parkland kids first. And — and I thought about how this must re-traumatize them. I think it’s been maybe not quite 100 days since that tragedy. And they burst onto the scene as these activists that gave grown ups hope for the first time in a really long time. You were on set with me during that, we were all on TV together.”
WALLLACE: “And I wonder how they feel today. They are now in a club, a very, very, very sad and horrific club to be in, where they’ve been on the receiving end of gunfire at their school, the place where as a mom I leave my child every day. I pray to God that he is safe. He is 6 and he has active shooter training. And that’s America in 2018. I — you know, I think we are way past the point of there being the right time to have this debate. And I think we’ve now let down the Parkland students by letting another mass school shooting happen on our watch.”

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