
Nikki Haley: ‘I Think Climate Change Is Real’

‘We don’t want to be dependent on other countries for our energy’
By Grabien Staff


HALEY: "Well, I think climate change is real. I think that we do have to focus on it. We all want an environment that has clean air, clean water to leave our kids and our grandkids, but I think we need to be realistic with the American people. I mean, if you really want to deal with the environment, why isn’t anyone seriously talking to China and India, who are biggest polluters? If we want to deal with the environment — "

BRENNAN: "John Kerry was just in China and India."

HALEY: "And what did he come back with? Nothing. He came back with nothing. And China’s said, 'We’ll deal with the environment on our own hands.' That’s the problem, is the Biden administration has been too nice to China on dealing with this. They are a massive polluter.”

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