
Noah: Black People Would Never Cheer for Trump

‘Oh, that’s so unrealistic’
By Grabien Staff


NOAH: "Yeah, you see that move? That's a move stand-up comedians do when they've just told a joke so good they need to give the crowd a break, so they walk away from the mic."
[clip starts]
COMEDIANS: "All the news about your football team ain't been good news (...) Guy never had no punkin pie! Kick it! ... You don't understand."
[clip ends]
NOAH: "Yeah, you see, all Trump needed was a DJ."
[clip starts]
TRUMP: "He better get 'em. Oh, he better. Otherwise, I'll say, 'Tom, you're fired! I'll get somebody.'"
[clip ends]
NOAH: "Oh, that's so unrealistic, black people would never cheer for Trump."

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