
Noah: The Second Amendment Was About Protecting the People Not the Guns

‘Try to make it as hard as possible for people to own a gun’


NOAH: “I’m not saying get rid of guns. You’re saying try to minimize the chances of this happening. Try to make it as hard as possible for people to own a gun because you only want people willing to work hard to own a gun to own a gun. You only want people who respect it to own a gun. You want to make it as hard as possible. That’s all it is. And then people always say the same thing to me, they go, Trevor you don’t care about the Second Amendment, but, yes, the Second Amendment fundamentally, if you think about it, is about protecting human beings. That’s why it was written, about protecting human beings. What is the good of writing a law that now protects the guns as opposed to the human beings that it’s supposed to protect?”

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