
Noah Slams Kavanaugh Supporters: They Stretch Their Defense to Normalizing Sexual Assault

‘That’s a novel way to describe a guy pinning a 15-year-old girl to a bed and putting his hand over her mouth’
By Grabien Staff


NOAH: "Wow, wow. Maybe a touch? That’s a novel way to describe a guy pinning a 15-year-old girl to a bed and putting his hand over her mouth. She makes it sound like Kavanaugh trapped her in a room just to brush some lint off her shoulder. No, that is a superbroad definition of touch. Like hey, did you watch the Canelo fight where he touched the other dude in the face until he bled, that was superweird. I get why Republicans are doing this, right getting five conservative justices on to the Supreme Court is something they’ve been dreaming of for forty years so they will do anything to get it done. Even if it means normalizing sexual assault."

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