
Noem: ‘Texas Should Stand Their Ground’

‘They should enforce their state law and go back to the constitutional rights that they have been granted to protect their state’s sovereignty’
By Grabien Staff


NOEM: "Texas should stand their ground. They should enforce their state law and go back to the constitutional rights that they have been granted to protect their state sovereignty. And that's what so many of us as governors are offended by, is that Democrats were threatening to encourage the president to activate our Guards in order to get them to stand down and not protect our states. So, it is a dangerous situation. It is a war zone at our southern border. I'm so proud of what Texas has done, proud to stand with them. I have deployed my National Guard down there three separate times already, and we will do what we can to help them support and defend their people. It is — the inhumanity of the policies that are happening right now is pretty striking, Dana. I mean, you just — you see women suffering, the drug trafficking, the human trafficking that is happening because of these open-border policies. It's inhumane, and it needs to stop."

(Via Breitbart)

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