
NPR Editor: We’ve Evolved into a ‘Niché Thinking,’ They ‘Don’t Allow Enough Air’ to Consider All Kinds of Perspectives

‘When I started there was a liberal orientation, but I think if we were more guided by curiosity, open mindedness’
By Grabien Staff


BERLINER: "I think it’s evolved. You know, I have been at NPR a long time, 25 years. You could say I’m a lifer. It’s a place I’ve always loved working. But when I started, there was a liberal orientation, but I think we were more guided by curiosity, open-mindedness, you know, you said, talked about policy, we were kind of nerdy and really liked to dig into things and understand the complexity of things. I think that’s evolved over the years into a much narrowed, kind of niché thinking, a group think that’s really clustered around very selective progressive views that don’t — they don’t allow enough air, enough spaciousness, to consider all kinds of perspectives."

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