
Nunes: FBI Planting Spy in Trump Campaign Crosses ‘an Absolute Red Line’

‘How can any American stand for this?’
By Grabien Staff


NUNES: "There were two mainstream media outlets on Friday night that had a lot of details, if those are correct. We don’t have the documents. We don’t know if there is an informant. We haven’t asked for the names of any sources. Yes, any of that is true. If they ran a spy ring or informant ring and paying people within the campaign if anything is true there is a red line. There isn’t an honest person in the country that could believe taxpayer dollars going to fund the ring and operate like this like said in the New York Times I think. There was quiet a bit of detail on it. According to them this was done in the spring before the counter intelligence investigation was open."
BARTIROMO: "The New York Times report and the Washington Post said someone was paid. Someone was paid and they were interacting with the trump campaign. You want to call it spying, okay."
NUNES: "If they paid someone, it’s an absolute red line. There is no possible way we should allow this. This is why I’ll say again all they have to do is provide us documentation."
BARTIROMO: "When you say this is over, what do you mean? We have criminal referrals."
NUNES: "What I’m saying when I say it’s over it’s a scam. There is real abuse here. If it was within the stories how can any American stand for this. We set up the capabilities. We can oversee the capabilities. There is not a single person that thinks it’s okay to pass out money all over the globe to put yourself into a presidential campaign."

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