
N.Y. Magazine’s Traister: RFK Jr. Is Pulling Leftists Critical of Biden, Conservatives, and Silicon Valley Tech-Bro Culture

‘He himself refers to it as a horseshoe coalition’
By Grabien Staff


TRAISTER: "Well, it’s coalesced, he’s very proud of it, and he himself refers to it as a horseshoe coalition. He’s very proud of pulling from both the left and the right. The way that they’re coalescing around him is in his sort of -- what he is spreading is distrust of institutions, distrust of elections, distrust of vaccines, distrust of medical interventions, distrust of the Democratic Party, distrust of government, and that is pulling both some self-described leftists who are critical of Joe Biden and it’s pulling quite a few conservatives. It’s also pulling a lot of support, actually, and interest, whether it’s official support or not, from a kind of Silicon Valley tech bro culture. You know, he has done Twitter Spaces conversations and has also — Jack Dorsey, the Twitter founder, has said that he’s supporting Kennedy’s campaign. He has a lot of funders coming from Silicon Valley. So that’s another element that’s sort of pulling it all together. Actually, all these factions have very little in common ideologically when it comes to things like economic policy and those kinds of things. It really is this sort of sense of they’re responding to his projected distrust of all kinds of institutions, which I think is part of why the power that he has is worth paying attention to and is quite dangerous."

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