
NY Post’s Devine on Devon Archer’s Depositions: The Truth He Has to Tell Is Very Damaging to Joe Biden

‘I think he just wants to clear his name’
By Grabien Staff


DEVINE: “Look, I think that it's really Devon Archer's lawyer and the House Committee have been toing and froing about dates, you know, who is available at what time. I don’t think there is anything nefarious about it. It’s now scheduled — it was scheduled for this Monday, then Thursday, and now it’s scheduled finally for this coming Monday, July 31st. I think it will happen. And Devon Archer has not volunteered to do this. You know, I’m told he is not doing this out of revenge or anything. He's just decided to comply with the request from the House committee. He has been at the center of this story and been talked about non-stop for 2 1/2 years and I think he just wants to clear his name and tell the truth. The truth that he has to tell is very damaging to Joe Biden because, of course, Joe Biden has always maintained that he knew nothing about his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings, and we’ve reported about the numerous meetings, at least dozen of Hunter’s business partners who Joe Biden met, including at a restaurant in Georgetown.”

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