
NYC GOP Mayoral Candidate on De Blasio Corruption Allegations: He’s ‘Effectively Put the City up for Sale’

‘one of those who testified was a donor of De Blasio says that he bought the mayor for $189,000’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: "The Republican who was challenging Bill De Blasio in the mayor’s race this year says in the past four years he has effectively put the city up for sale. Nicole Maliotakis joins us tonight. Nicole thanks a lot for coming on."
MALLIOTAKIS: "Thank you."
CARLSON: "Can you be more specific in your allegations against Mayor De Blasio?"
MALLIOTAKIS: "Well if you read the headlines of the New York Post and the New York Daily News today, it is said during testimony with an unrelated corruption trial, that one of those who testified was a donor of De Blasio says that he bought the mayor for $189,000 and that he had the mayor whenever he wanted his attention, whenever he needed assistance and he got special treatment out of City Hall. This is not the first time we’re hearing about something like this. We see here in New York City where property is being leased off to developers who are building luxury condos and those developers either bundled tens of thousands of dollars for the mayor or they’re lobbyists who have bundled tens of thousands of dollars for the mayor, and have also de-restrictions lifted from a health care facility in Lower East Side of Manhattan."

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