
NYC Mayor Eric Adams Says ‘Youth Crime’ Is a ‘Parenting Issue’ Following Riot in Union Square Park

‘There should be a proactive approach’
By Grabien Staff


ADAMS: “That’s a great question because what you’re seeing that is happening to our youth in this country in general, but specifically here in New York City, is something that we should all be alarmed about. We saw it yesterday down at Union Square. This is not a policing issue, this is a parenting issue and we need to be clear on that. Police is the response after an incident happened, but there should be a proactive approach. When I looked at what happened in Union Square, the first thing I did was text my son and say, ‘Where are you? Are you in Union Square?’ And I wonder, with the thousands of children who were there hurling dangerous objects at police officers, disrespecting the residents in the area, attacking each other, how many parents text their children?”

(via Mediaite)

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