
Obama at Christmas Ceremony: We Jesus’s ‘Message’ in ‘Immigrants and Refugees’

‘I hope that we also focus ourselves on the message this child brought to the Earth some 2,000 years ago’
By Grabien Staff

BARACK OBAMA, speaking at the 2016 White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony:

Along with celebrations like these, the holidays also offer us time for reflection and perspective. And over these next few weeks as we celebrate the birth of our savior. As we retell the story of weary travelers, a star, shepherds, magi, I hope that we also focus ourselves on the message that this child brought to this Earth some 2,000 years ago. A message that says we have to be our brothers’ keepers, our sisters’ keepers. That we have to reach out to each other. To forgive each other. To let the light of our good deeds shine for all. To care for the sick, the hungry, and the downtrodden. And, of course, to love one another. Even our enemies. And to treat one another how we would want to be treated ourselves.

It’s a message that announce just not my family’s Christian faith, but that of Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, non-believers, and Americans of all background. It’s a message of unity. A message of decency. And a message of hope that never goes out of style. And it’s one that we need so much today. 

After eight years as your president, I still believe that there is so much more that unites us than divides us. I’ve seen it in parents from every corner of this country just trying to give their kids a better shot. I’ve seen it in communities that come together and find common ground even in times of trial, in times of tragedy. I’ve seen it in immigrants and refugees striving for that most American of ideals, to better ourselves and our families. And seeing our troops who are serving far from home during this holiday season. Who are outstanding men and women who go into harm’s way to protect the freedoms that we love. The freedom to vote and speak out, and to practice our faith as we choose. The freedom to chart our own course as citizens and as a nation.

That is the America that I’ve seen as we’ve come back from the depths of an economic crisis to an economy on the move. As we’ve recovered from wars and natural tragedies. What I’ve seen as a big hearted, hopeful, and resilient people, who look out for each other, and who have each others backs, and who find strength in our differences and who keep moving forward knowing that we are all in this together. That is our values, that is who we are, that is who we’ll always be."

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