
Obama: ‘No Foreign Terrorist Organization Has Successfully’ Struck the U.S.

‘A recent study shows that ISIL’s propaganda has been cut in half’
By Grabien Staff

No foreign terrorist organization has "successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland" during Obama's time in office, the president claimed Tuesday.

In what was billed as his final national security speech, Obama told servicemen in Tampa, Fla., that he's kept America safe from foreign terrorist threats.

"We should take great pride in the progress that we've made over the last eight years," Obama said. "That's the bottom line. No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland."

Obama appears to be arguing that the many terrorist attacks successfully carried out during his time in office do not count, as they were not large 9/11-style attacks orchestrated abroad.

This talking point discounts how terror groups' strategies evolved post-9/11; instead of large, sensational attacks, groups like ISIS started calling on their adherents to carry out specific styles of attacks, explaining how to carry them out, and then taking credit once one of their "soldiers" followed their instructions.

Here are some of the terror attacks on Obama's watch that fit this profile:

  • Nov. 5, 2009: Fort Hood shooting (13 dead, 33 injured)
  • Apr. 15, 2013: Boston Marathon bombing (3 dead, 183 injured)
  • Oct. 23, 2014: NYC subway hatchet attack (0 dead, 5 injured)
  • May 3, 2015: "Draw Muhammad" attack in Garland, Texas (2 dead, 1 injured)
  • July 16, 2015: The Chattanooga shootings (6 dead, 2 injured)
  • Dec. 2, 2015: The San Bernardino attack (14 dead, 22 injured)
  • June 12, 2016: The Pulse Nightclub attack (49 dead, 53 injured)
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