
Obama: Something’s Happening in Our Society that Prevents Underprivileged Communities from Ascending to the Highest Office in the Land

‘The odds are stacked in ways that prevent a lot of young people from realizing their potential, and we can do something about it’
By Grabien Staff


OBAMA: "The fact is that lot of barriers still exist for a whole lot of folks. When you look at that list of presidents, we still haven't seen a woman. And the notion that women somehow are not qualified — you know, the fact is, at least in my household, the women are smarter, more insightful, more caring, better looking, talented, funnier."
STRAHAN: "We live in the same household?"
OBAMA: "That's my point. So, something is happening in our society that prevents that from ascending to the highest office in the land. The same is true for African-Americans, Latinos, and the first Americans, Native Americans. The odds are stacked in ways that prevent a lot of young people from realizing their potential. We can do something about it."

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