
Ocasio-Cortez Defends Bowman Pulling Fire Alarm: ‘Moment of Panic’

‘There’s a vote clock that’s going down, the exits that are normally open in that building are suddenly closed’
By Grabien Staff


OCASIO-CORTEZ: “But what I do think is important to raise is the fact that Republicans, representatives like Nicole Malliotakis and others, immediately moved to file motions to censure, motions to expel, before there has even been conversations that are finished to even see if there was a misunderstanding here. But what they did do — while they did that, what they did not do was to commit to the same when George Santos was actually found guilty, after a thorough investigation, of 13 federal charges. He's indicted on everything from wire fraud to actual lying of House investigators. And they have been buddying up and giggling with him on the House floor, and they are protecting someone who has lied to the American people, lied to the United States House of Representatives, lied to congressional investigators. But they're filing a motion of — to expel a member who, in a moment of panic, was trying to escape a vestibule? Give me a break! And so the idea that there is somehow any kind of equivalence to someone who is actively trying to clear up a situation that he himself admits he's embarrassed, he released a statement last night, he apologized, and they are protecting someone who has not only committed wire fraud, not only defrauded veterans, not only lied to congressional investigators, but is openly gloating about it, is absolutely humiliating to the Republican Caucus. And I think that they should really check their own values."

(Via Breitbart)

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