
Olivia Beavers: Biden Is ‘Trying to Paint Trump as a Threat’ in His Re-Election Campaign

‘Long gone are the days where he wasn’t even naming Donald Trump inside of his speeches’
By Grabien Staff


BEAVERS: "Long gone are the days where he wasn’t even naming Donald Trump inside of his speeches. He is really going after him now but he has to be careful about also emphasizing what his administration has done and is going to do. Otherwise, it risks going too negative too early, and he is clearly trying to push into the democracy angle where polls have indicated he is doing better than Donald Trump that’s not so much in other top-tier issues like the economy and the inflation. He is hoping the economy numbers get better for him before the election day. But in democracy, that’s why you see him hitting January 6th. That’s why you see him hitting Charlottesville and he is trying to paint Trump as a threat and Donald Trump is, of course, responding that Biden is a threat."

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