
Patti Davis, the Daughter of Ronald Reagan, Says Her Father Would Be Appalled by Today’s Politics

‘He would be really scared for our democracy’
By Grabien Staff


DAVIS: "I think he would be so — I think he'd be appalled, really, you know? And yeah, they used to have martinis together, two, you know, old Irish guys, like, sharing a drink after. You know, it was like two lawyers battling it out in court, and then going and having a drink together, you know? It was just more civilized. And he didn't understand lack of civility. He didn't understand attacking another person. I mean, he could be, you know, pretty pointed in what he would say about someone else, but he didn't understand cruelty. And that's what we're dealing with now. And I think he wouldn't understand that. I think he would be really scared for our democracy. I don’t know who — I think he would address people more than any candidates, you know? I think he would address the American people at what has divided us.”

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