
Payne: Politicians Are Seducing Black Kids to Loot

‘And you have to wake up to see who really is on your side’
By Grabien Staff


PAYNE: “So, you know, the thing is, you’re taught in these black neighborhoods that you’re oppressed and this is okay, you know, that this system hates you, and so any opportunity you get to exact revenge, fine. And it’s not just the media, it’s the education systems, everyone else. It's people who should be trying to help you who are the ones actually hurting you. I’m telling you right now, what’s happening in this country, politicians in general are seducing people to doing this, particularly black kids. It’s heartbreaking. It’s scary. But it just shows, it’s just another example, along with the poor education and other things, that they do not want black people to do well in this country. And you have to wake up to see who really is on your side and who isn’t. The people like my mom who said, 'Hell no, you’re not going to go loot,' is who you want on your side."

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