
PBS: Democrats Should Be More ‘Grateful’ Biden Is Their ’24 Candidate

‘Democrats are lucky, frankly, to have a candidate in Biden who has presided over an incredibly strong economic recovery’
By Grabien Staff


BROOKS: “And so the Democrats are lucky, frankly, to have a candidate in Biden who has presided over an incredibly strong economic recovery, who has presided over pretty good international peacemaking efforts, both in Asia this week and also in Europe, and who I believe whose numbers will go up as inflation recedes, as it is. And the strong job numbers are there. And they’re extremely lucky to have a candidate, frankly, who’s not a member of what you would call the coastal elite. And Joe Biden has — sends off all the right cultural messages for moderate independent voters who don’t have college degrees. And Democrats are not grateful enough for what they have, in my view.”

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