
Pelosi: ‘Total,’ ‘100 Percent’ Confidence Democrats Will Vote Me Speaker

‘I feel very encouraged and overwhelming support in my caucus


CUOMO: "You said there in the context of your answer, I’ll be the speaker, the people’s speaker. What is your level of confidence you’ll be the speaker of the --"
PELOSI: "Total."
CUOMO: "100 percent."
PELOSI: "100 percent. I sent my letter out last night, I didn’t ask for support because we were in the middle of an election. How it works the caucus not only — nominates and then it goes to the floor."
CUOMO: "Do you think there will be another nominee?"
PELOSI: "Doesn’t matter. Every time I’ve had an opponent."
CUOMO: "You don’t have to deal with unusual opposition?"
PELOSI: "This is politics. This is not day at the beach. This is politics. We delivered the victory because we had the best possible candidates and we had the best possible candidates that inspired the grass roots. We own the ground and all of the organizations whether about protect our care or our environment, all of those organizations worked to elect these people and they want to see results and we have to get moving with that. So without getting into the making of sausage around here I feel very confident about where I am. I feel very encouraged and overwhelming support in my caucus that will go to the floor."

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