
Pentagon Spox: Sec. Austin ‘Has Been Actively Engaged in Overseeing and Directing the Strikes We Saw Last Night’

‘He spoke with the president twice over the last 72 hours’
By Grabien Staff


RYDER: "Yeah, so, first of all, the secretary is recovering well. We don’t have a date yet in terms of when he’ll be released from the hospital. Of course, we’ll keep folks updated. But he’s been actively engaged in overseeing and directing the strikes that we saw last night. On Tuesday, when the Houthis were conducting their complex attack, he was participating in a meeting with the chairman and the CENTCOM commander to monitor that activity, spoke with the president twice over the last 72 hours, as well as conducting multiple calls each day with the CENTCOM commander, the chairman, as well as the national security adviser. And as you highlight, he gave the order yesterday afternoon to conduct these strikes.”

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