
Perry: I Think It’s Great We Are Finally Going to Hold Russia Accountable

‘I generally disagree with the methodology’
By Grabien Staff

PERRY: "I think it is great we are finally going to hold rush accountable. But Maria, I generally disagree with the methodology. It’s I think the greatest way to hold rush accountable is strengthening America and what we are good at which is the production of natural gas and oil. Planet doing that and crushing their ability to compete. To be great for America to be devastating for Russia it would be great for our allies. And yet we think that somehow more sanctions against Russia going to work when they have not worked in the past. And oh, by the way this is the administration that has relieved sanctions on Russia since it has gotten in there. Did they think that was going to change anything? Obviously it hasn’t. The best prescription here is to strengthen America which will by virtue of doing that we can Russia. That is what we should be doing."

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