
Peter Navarro Responds to The WSJ: ‘When The Main Street Journal Starts Attacking This Administration, That Is When We Worry’

‘’The Wall Street Journal’ never saw an American job it didn’t want to offshore’
By Grabien Staff


NAVARRO: “So, let’s start with “The Wall Street Journal.”

When the Main Street journal starts attacking this administration, that is when we worry.

The question for “The Wall Street Journal” is, where was “The Wall Street Journal” beginning in 2001, when China got into the World Trade organization, and we watched the exodus of over 70,000 of our factories, over five million manufacturing jobs?

Why hasn’t “The Wall Street Journal” been editorializing over the last 10 years about China’s hacking our computers to steal trade secrets, about stealing our intellectual property, about forcing the technology transfer from our companies, about the currency manipulation that occurred for over a decade?”


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