
Peter Schweizer: Devon Archer Confirmed that ‘Joe Biden Was the Product the Firm Was Selling’

‘Claiming that he was not involved with his son’s business is, is totally and completely incorrect’
By Grabien Staff


SCHWEIZER: “Devon Archer was the adult in the room in terms of how this business should be structured, and he confirmed everything that everybody assumed the worst of, which is that Joe Biden was the product that this firm was selling. And he unequivocally said, any, you know, people discussing or claiming that he was not involved with his son’s business is totally and completely incorrect. I would add the next shoe that may drop is there’s another individual involved with Hunter Biden named Eric Schwerin. If Devon Archer was the sort of business guy, the deal guy in how you structure this, Eric Schwerin was the money guy. He’s the guy that moved money around. And based on the Hunter Biden laptop, Schwerin had access not only to Hunter Biden’s accounts, but also Joe Biden’s accounts. So when he testifies before the committee, it’s going to be interesting to see what he says and what pressure he might be under from this administration.”

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