
Peter Schweizer on Uranium One: Kazakh Official Describes in Video How Hillary Shook Down Officials

‘That video has never been translated’
By Grabien Staff


SCHWEIZER: "Look, we know the front page of the 'Wall Street Journal' reported last year that five field offices of the F.B.I. were investigating the Clinton Foundation. They felt they had compelling evidence. They went to the Obama Justice Department looking for subpoenas, the ability to wiretap, et cetera, and they were turned down. So you’ve got a lot of people in the F.B.I. who think there’s fire and not just smoke. And, you know, her claim that this has been litigated — it hasn’t. There hasn’t been one congressional hearing about this. There hasn’t been any serious questioning of Hillary Clinton about this. She’s avoided it. So my point has been from the beginning, let’s investigate to find out exactly what went on, and I don’t know why that’s such a radical idea."

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