
Piers Morgan Asks Jay Leno If He Worries ‘What Happens to This Country’ If Trump Beats Biden

‘Well, you get the government you deserve’
By Grabien Staff


MORGAN: “Do you worry about what may happen in this country, in terms of the division, if Trump was to get re-elected?”

LENO: “Well, you get the government you deserve. I mean, that’s pretty much the way the world works, or at least ways America works. If that’s what people choose, well, that’s that’s what’s going to happen, is it? So, I don’t know, I would prefer it — I mean, it seems pretty calm now. The economy seems to be in pretty good shape. I sort of like the things Biden’s been doing. I think he’s done a really good job with the economy.” 

(Via Mediaite)

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