
Pletka: This Is Not a Normal Presidency, Trump’s Like a ‘Sultan’

‘Joe Arpaio is a guy who is deserving to be pardoned because he was good to Donald Trump’
By Grabien Staff

CHUCK TODD: It's like rule of law, Dani, does anybody care?

DANIELLE PLETKA: Well, I think some people care. I think we all care about rule of law. And I think most of the Republican and most of the Democratic Party care about rule of law. Look, we've said this again and again, this is not a presidency in the normal sense of the word. This is -- He is like a sultan. His family is around him and loyalty is everything. And that, you're exactly right. Joe Arpaio is a guy who is deserving to be pardoned because he was good to Donald Trump. That's the only standard that matters.

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