
P.M. May on Trump’s Travel Ban: ‘When I Was Home Secretary, I Banned More Hate Polluters’

‘What is important is that we’re able to have the powers to look into people, to identify people who may be wanting to cause us harm and are plotting to cause us harm’
By Grabien Staff


STEPHANOPOULOS: "In President Trump tweeted this morning that the solution is a bigger, tougher travel ban. That's an idea you have been against. Sit something you would reconsider?"
MAY: "I think what is important is that we're able to have the powers to look into people, to identify people who may be wanting to cause us harm and are plotting to cause us harm. And to be able to take the necessary action when people do cause us harm. As it happens, here in the United Kingdom, when I was home secretary, I banned more extremist hate polluters from coming to the UK than any home secretary before."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Richard Spencer. Was banned. We want to you can that about all the this now with the president's national security adviser, general H.R. Mcmaster. Thank you for joining us."

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