
Pompeo: What Created This Israel-Hamas War Is ‘American Appeasement’

‘They’ve killed 11’
By Grabien Staff


POMPEO: “They’ve killed 11 Americans, they are threatening to kill Americans live in video and broadcast the audio as well. President Biden hadn’t told the world what America’s response to that will be. I remember, Sean, so well when the Iranians threatened to kill Americans on our watch, launching artillery into the American embassy in Iraq, not to hold the knuckle heads on the ground, the Iranian regime sponsible, we didn’t create world war 3 when we got out of the jcpo, we moved the embassy, no, what has created war here is American a piecement. American weakness. And if we don’t stand with I Israel, give them the tools they need to prosecute this until the end, the Iranian regime means isrealis mean business with Americans support.”

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