
Pressed by ABC’s Karl on Trump’s Claims of Absolute Immunity Haley Says, I’m Gonna Let the Courts Figure that Out

‘The last thing you’re gonna see me do is weigh in or learn the details about any of his court cases’
By Grabien Staff


HALEY: "I'm going to let the courts figure that out. I mean, the last thing you're going to see me do is weigh in or learn the details about any of his court cases because I can't follow 91 charges, and I'm not going to."
KARL: "That makes -- that makes total sense, but let me just ask you on the principle. Forget his case. Do you think that a president of the United States, that if you would get elected president, you would have absolute immunity for anything you did while you were president?"
HALEY: "Well, I think the court issues are, do you have immunity when you’re president, when you're not president? At what point does that line fall? I'm going to let judges decide that. I don't know where the line falls. President Trump's going to have to defend himself no matter what. If he's found guilty, he's found guilty. If he's found innocent, he's found innocent. It would be wasted energy for me to sit there and focus on court cases and not focus on how to win that room that we just left."

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