
Priebus: ‘I’m Always Going To Be a Trump Fan’

‘I’m on team Trump, and I look forward to helping him achieve his goals and his agenda for the American people’
By Grabien Staff


BLITZER: "You say you resigned yesterday. Tell us why. Why did you make that important decision to resign?" 
PRIEBUS: "Well, it wasn’t — it was something that I have always talked to the president about, which is — and I have always said to him, and he always agreed with me. Any time either one of us think that we need to make a change or move in a different direction, let’s just talk about it and get it done. And, so, I think the president thought about that and we talked about it yesterday. And I resigned and he accepted my resignation. But this is about the president. It is about moving his agenda forward. I think he made a smart decision with general Kelly, and I think he’s going to do a great job and I’m looking forward to the future. One other thing, I’m always going to be a trump fan. I’m on team trump, and I look forward to helping him achieve his goals and his agenda for the American people."

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