
Priebus: Trump’s ‘Boxed the Democrats in’ on DACA and Immigration

‘I think it’s very smart’
By Grabien Staff

CHUCK TODD: Let me ask you about immigration. The infamous autopsy report of the RNC in 2013 said the following. "We must embrace and champion comprehensive immigration reform. If we do not, out Party's appeal will continue to shrink to its core constituencies only." March 2013. Obviously on one hand, politically, republicans, house, senate, the presidency. But the problem with Hispanics is worse today for the Republican party then it was in 2013. Do you think the president's making a mistake by not following your advice on this.

REINCE PRIEBUS: Well I don't know about that. I think he is following advice. I think that if you look at what's happening in the economy and you look at the tax cuts, you look at unemployment. I think those things matter a lot. I actually think he is doing better. I think he did better with black voters and Hispanic voters in the election. I think we can do more. I don't think anything in the autopsy’s wrong. I think the president's position that he's taking on the, the dreamers and DACA is very bold. I think he's boxed the Democrats in on that issue. I think it's going to be very difficult for them to walk away. He's giving more than I probably would have given in the same, in the same -- as advice to him. But I also think it's clever of him to offer far more on DACA than most what Republicans would have offered because I think there – it, it boxes everyone else in. And so I think it's very smart.

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