
Princeton’s Eddie Glaude Jr: ‘We Might Be on the Path to a Constitutional Crisis’ with Mueller Probe

‘I think we’re going to run up against a whole bunch of contradictions over the next few months’
By Grabien Staff

GLAUDE, JR.: "I don’t either. I think we’re going to run up against a whole bunch of contradictions over the next few months, all right, whether it’s in the executive branch. Or we might be on the path to a constitutional crisis, depending upon how this thing works out. What I do know is this, is that General Flynn’s flipping, as it were, makes everyone nervous. And I think there are two things, particular what Senator Feinstein just laid out, right? One is the obstruction case. And the other is collusion. And collusion tied to quid pro quo, right? That is to say what was it, what drove General Flynn to contact Kislyak? What drove him to say that we will deliver on these sanctions, we will ease them up? Did they receive something during the campaign which allowed them or forced them to deliver something once they were elected? So all of this stuff is happening. And I think Senator Feinstein sees it. It’s a cumulative effect. It’s not only that she’s getting primaried. I think she also sees a kind of collection of data that leads her to believe that something is really afoot here."

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