
Psaki: ‘No One Is Rooting for Late Term Abortions’

‘No one is selling late term abortions as Ron DeSantis claims’
By Grabien Staff


PSAKI: “Mothers have described in heart-wrenching detail having to make the decision to end their pregnancy to save their own life, or because they were told the baby that they were so excited for would not survive or would suffer. Are most Democrats in favor of a legislation that allows for this? Yes, for all the reasons I just outlined. At the end of the, day, the point here is that no one is rooting for late term abortions. No one is running on the platform of aborting viable babies. No one is selling late-term abortions, as Ron DeSantis claims. No one. Not Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris, not Hillary Clinton, not Nancy Pelosi or any other politician demonized by the right-wing roots for more late-term abortions, none of them do. What’s happening here is an attempt by Republican presidential candidates and other leaders who know their views on women’s healthcare are out of touch with the public. They are trying to change the parameters of the debate. They are doing that by inaccurately describing the positions of leaders on the other side.”

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