
Psychotherapist: ‘I’m Not Surprised’ Weinstein Is Leaving Therapy After One Week

‘A lot of people who are wealthy and powerful will do something like this to avoid legal action and try to rebuild the reputation’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: "Well, almost immediately after allegations of abuse broke in the “New York Times” Harvey Weinstein retreated into the favored cocoon of the embattled celebrity. Luxury rehab clinic where he said he would battle against the disease of sex addiction. It doesn’t seem to be going well from a treatment perspective. New reports say that Weinstein has been arriving late, falling asleep in session and talking on a smuggled cell phone. Apparently this is worse than we could have imagined. Psycho therapist is the window in the world and she joins us now. A new report arriving on my iPhone a new report that Harvey Weinstein is leaving the Arizona treatment program on Saturday, tomorrow, after one week treatment. His psychologist says that — I’m quoting now — “Harvey has been dealing with the anger, boundary with each other and beginning work on empathy. And he is invested in the program.” Pardon me if I call B.S. On that. Am I too cynical?"
DALY: "No, I agree. One week is not enough treatment for someone accused of what he is accused of."
CARLSON: "So it sounds like this thing was a deeply cynical P.R. Diversion."
DALY: "It could have been. Right? We don’t know. We don’t know what the intentions were for going to treatment. I don’t think he had many options in terms of the P.R. A lot of people who are wealthy and powerful will do something like this to avoid legal action and try to rebuild the reputation. So I’m not surprised."
CARLSON: "What bothers me, though is that licensed therapist would lend his name to a statement that non-creditable. That after a week, a guy who has been chatting on his cell phone and falling asleep in group meetings is on his way to a cure is someone who practices psycho therapy. You can confirm that is ridiculous, correct?"
DALY: "I would say that, yes. I would go out on a limb and say that. I would."

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