
Rachel Maddow Blames Trump Travel Ban for Death of Navy SEAL

‘It’s been reported that the SEALs lost the element of the surprise from the beginning of that raid’
By Grabien Staff


MADDOW: "In the five weeks since Navy SEAL Ryan Owens was killed in a raid in Yemen that went disastrously wrong, his father has given precisely one interview to the Miami Herald. The headline everybody pulled out of that interview was that Ryan Owens' body was brought back to the U.S., his grieving father declined to meet with the President at Dover Air Force base. There was something else that Bill Owens said at the end of that Miami Herald write-up that has really stuck with me and it didn't get nearly as much attention, but it feels especially important today. When Donald Trump signed his Muslim ban the first time, it was January 27th. It was a Friday. That order singled out seven majority Muslim nations and banned travel to the United States by anyone from any one of those seven countries. One of those seven countries was Yemen. That was on Friday. And the very next day, on Saturday the U.S. launched what turned out to be this disastrous American raid in Yemen. A large number of civilians were killed including at least one child. Four Navy SEALs were wounded. Ryan Owens was killed." 

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