
Ramaswamy Defends 9/11 Comments: ‘We Have a Gov’t that Systematically Lies’

‘I don’t believe the government has told us the truth’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: And I know this game comes up, Kaitlan. Every time there's an outsider who comes in — "
COLLINS: "It's not a game. It leaves the door open, Vivek. It leaves the door open. And someone who's a 9/11 truther looks at that and says, 'That's exactly what I believe.'"
RAMASWAMY: "That was a — that was a comedian who had — "
COLLINS: "You think the government's lying about 9/11?"
RAMASWAMY: "I think the government has systematically and, for a very long time, lied about 9/11. And I think I'm the only presidential candidate who has told us the truth.
COLLINS: "What parts exactly are they lying about?"
RAMASWAMY: Saudi Arabia's involvement. It is absolutely true that Saudi Arabia was involved in 9/11."
COLLINS: "But you don't think that 9/11 was an inside job, correct?"
RAMASWAMY: "Of course not. And I've never said it."

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