
Ramaswamy Endorses Trump: ‘It’s Going to Require Someone Not Bought and Paid for, a Businessman, Not a Politician’

‘You got to know you are in a war to win one’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: “You can’t win one if you’re asleep at the switch, have your head stuck in the sand like most Republicans. And I think that’s going to require somebody who isn’t bought and paid for. A businessman, not a politician. Anybody heard of that?

[Cheers and applause]

And that’s why I was in this race. But I will tell you, the people of Iowa spoke loud and clear last night. And I’m a big believer that we, the people, create a government that is accountable to us, not the other way around. That we, the people, choose who leads this country. And so we heard we, the people, last night, and that is why last evening I met my friend here, we met in person. And I told him that I would endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States and do everything in my power to lead us to victory in this war.”

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