
Ramaswamy: ‘Kaitlan, Kaitlan, Kaitlan’ ... You Take a Tiny Little Clip and ‘Put Words in My Mouth’

‘You take that tiny little clip, when I’ve articulated at the Nixon library last week, a one hour speech’
By Grabien Staff


COLLINS: "Do you really think that would be a sufficient pla, to deter a Chinese invasion, if it includes long-range missiles, ground troops, an aerial blockade, a naval blockade, all of the different measures here?"
RAMASWAMY: "Kaitlan, Kaitlan, Kaitlan — Kaitlan, of course it's not sufficient. You take that tiny little clip, when I've articulated it — "
COLLINS: "You posted that clip."
RAMASWAMY: " — at the Nixon Library last week, a one-hour speech, with a whole range of deterrence. That is part of it. But I've also said that I would pull Russia out of its military alliance with China. I've also said that we would bolster our partnership with India to be able to close the Andaman Sea and the Malacca Strait. I've also said that we would actually send a signal, very clearly that we will defend Taiwan, moving from strategic ambiguity to strategic clarity, to say that we will defend Taiwan until we have semiconductor independence in this country. And so, yes, part of this is turning Taiwan into a porcupine. I think exporting our Second Amendment is a relatively free or low-cost way to do that. But I find it laughable that you will take that clip and then put words into my mouth as though that was a sufficient deterrent. Kaitlan, with due respect, that's a joke, especially when I've offered — "
COLLINS: "We're not putting words into — "
RAMASWAMY: " — as expansive of a deterrence strategy, as I have."
COLLINS: It's not putting words into your mouth. And it's not saying that you didn't say those other things. It's just saying that you did say that part of your effort, when it comes to Taiwan — "
RAMASWAMY: "I never said it was sufficient. I never said it was sufficient."

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