
Ramaswamy on Pro-DeSantis Super PAC Leak: If You Don’t Have a Message, You Look to Attack Other Candidates

‘I think that is threatening a lot of the professional politicians’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: "You know, I have been prepared for that for a lot of my life. And I’m prepared to take that on. The truth is, I am an outsider in this race and I think that is threatening a lot of the professional politicians, understandably. A guy like me is not supposed to be in this race, according to their book. I’m approaching my debate strategy a little bit differently. I think, many times, if you don’t have a message, you look to attack other candidates. I’m preferring to stand for my own message, asking the question, what are we running to? And I think if we're guided by that purpose, the attacks from the other candidates are not going to stop me."

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