
Ramaswamy: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency in the United States or Around the World’

‘We have eight times as many people dying of cold temperatures rather than warm ones’
By Grabien Staff


RAMASWAMY: “Look, I think the Climate Corps is based on a false premise. There is no climate emergency in the United States or around the world. Larry, you get me started on this, you have to be careful. We have eight times as many people dying of cold temperatures rather than warm ones in the United States and around the world. You have actually an Earth that is at a relative low of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere relative to most points in human history. And carbon dioxide is plant food, which is why the Earth is more covered by green surface area today than it was even a century ago. And, by the way, for every 100 people that died in the 1920s of a climate-related disaster, you know how many die today? The answer is two. And the reason why is advances powered by fossil fuels. So this climate change agenda is absolutely a hoax because it has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with greater dominion and control of the government.”

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