
Randi Weingarten: School Vouchers Are About ‘Undermining Democracy’

‘They just divide, divide, divide’
By Grabien Staff


WEINGARTEN: “By the way, Corey DeAngelis tweets or posts at me, like, last year I think it was — what was it, Asher, 5,000 times last year? Because it’s all — it’s all signaling. It’s like it’s all — and this is before Elon Musk bought Twitter. It’s the divide, the divide, the divide, the divide, the divide! And if you hear it all the time — and this is what Trump did — you think, ‘Well, there must be something to it because they say it all the time. Divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide. They have not one thing that they offer as a solution other than privatizing or voucherising schools, which is about undermining democracy and undermining civil discourse and undermining pluralism because 90 percent of our kids goes to public schools still. They just divide, divide, divide.”

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