
Raskin: Biden Impeachment Is ‘Obviously Coming’ from Trump

‘There is no evidence of any criminality or wrongdoing by Joe Biden’
By Grabien Staff


RASKIN: “There’s 91 criminal charges against Donald Trump right now, 13 criminal charges against Congressman Santos, who was just on the show a few moments ago, they have nothing to say about that. There are no charges against Joe Biden, and they want to impeach the guy. That’s obviously coming from Donald Trump. It’s sort of like January 6th. January 6th would not have happened had Donald Trump not got all of the right-wing groups to change their permits from the National Park Service from January 20th, when they were just going to have an inaugural protest, to January 6th, and it’s the same thing here. If Donald Trump were not demanding impeachment, does anybody think this would be going on?"

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