
Rep. Al Green: ‘Impeachment Is Postponed’ After Vegas Shooting

‘I announce that impeachment is postponed’
By Grabien Staff

The planned impeachment of President Trump is being postponed out of respect for the victims of last night’s massacre in Las Vegas, a Democratic congressman announced today. 

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) last week announced he would initiate impeachment proceedings this week against Trump. Rep. Green said impeachment is required following Trump’s call to protest NFL athletes who don’t stand for the national anthem  

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Calif.) also signaled support for trying to impeach Trump over his NFL comments. 

Today Rep. Green said Trump is being let off the hook — for now:

AL GREEN: "Thank you Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, our nation is in mourning. Many hearts are bleeding. Mr. Speaker, there's much suffering. Lives have been lost in a senseless, needless manner in Las Vegas. Mr. Speaker, there is a right time for all things. This is a time for our nation to mourn and for hearts to heal. Mr. Speaker, I announce that impeachment is postponed. Let us mourn, let us heal." 

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